The Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU) is a specialized inpatient unit designed to evaluate, diagnose, and treat seizures using state of the art continuous video-EEG monitoring technology. Patients may come to UNM EMU for diagnosis of typical spell or seizure, localization of seizure, or anti-epileptic medication adjustment. Your care will be provided by comprehensive team members of board certified epileptologists, neurologists, fellows, neurology residents, advanced practitioners, nurses, medical assistants, case managers, EEG technologists, EEG monitoring technicians, pharmacists, nutritionists, and epilepsy coordinators.
NM में एकमात्र स्तर 4 NAEC मिर्गी केंद्र के रूप में, हम प्रति वर्ष 1400 निरंतर वीडियो-ईईजी मॉनिटरिंग, 2000 रूटीन/एम्बुलेटरी ईईजी करते हैं। हम प्रति वर्ष 220 से अधिक ईएमयू प्रवेश और 2000 से अधिक आउट पेशेंट विज़िट भी देखते हैं।