
Dr. Hussein graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Ain Shams University in Egypt. He completed his internship at Berkshire Medical Center in Massachusetts and neurology residency at Louisiana State University, Shreveport. Dr. Hussein finished two clinical fellowships in Neurocritical Care and Neurophysiology and a third StrokeNet research fellowship at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. Following graduation in 2019, he joined The University of New Mexico as an Assistant Professor of Neurology. His clinical practice is focused on acute inpatient neurological care, specifically in Neurocritical Care, Neuro-hospital Medicine, Cerebrovascular diseases, inpatient/ICU EEG, EMG, Transcranial Doppler, Tele-stroke, and Tele-neurology. Dr. Hussein's research interest is mainly focused on studying the different diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic aspects of acute brain injuries and dysfunction like seizures, ischemic strokes, and hemorrhagic strokes. Dr. Hussein is also interested in teaching motivated students and trainees the interpretation of brain and spine CT/MR scans, and various EEG modalities.

निजी वक्तव्य

Since I graduated from medical school in Egypt, I have been striving for better clinical exposure and research opportunities. Learning medicine after graduation in Egypt relies on trial and error experience for most of the time. This is not always the right way to start your training. Thus when I decided to continue my training in the United States, I was, not only, focused on learning new things but also on teaching what I learned practically and easily to guide and open the door for new learners for their training journey. Thus it's become my approach during my practice of Medicine not only learning a subject but also learning how to make this subject easily understood for future practitioners. I believe the best way to deliver a message to learners is through small group sessions and workshops followed by continued practice. In believing so, I developed an Advanced-EEGरोटेशनfor the neurology residents at UNM to achieve competency in reading routine and continuous video and non-video EEGs as well as quantitative EEG.
Similarly, I have a special interest in advancing evidence-based medicine. At the beginning of my training, I found it difficult to find a research opportunity. While a fellow, I started involving many residents, co-fellows, and students in many research projects I developed and papers I wrote. We presented multiple posters at many national and international conferences. Now as a faculty, it is always my pleasure to involve interested fellows, residents, and students in many of my research projects. I believe in early diagnosis and prevention as a way of limiting disease. Thus my research always focuses on finding new clinical, radiological, and physiological signs for early diagnosis of various acute brain pathologies. I'm mostly interested in exploring new electrodiagnostic findings of diseases like status epilepticus, ischemic stroke, and brain bleeds. This is a common area where my various expertise and training fall.

विशेषता के क्षेत्र

तंत्रिका संबंधी देखभाल
सेरेब्रोवास्कुलर रोग
न्यूरो अस्पताल दवा

उपलब्धियां और पुरस्कार

Professional Achievement:
2015 - 2016: Chosen as the Chief Resident of Neurology, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - Shreveport, LA

शैक्षिक उपलब्धि:
Established the Advanced-EEG रोटेशनfor the neurology residents at UNM: Goal is to graduate residents competent in reading routine and continuous video and non-Video EEGs as well as quantitative EEG.

/ 07 2018 / 06 2019
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center - Columbus, OH Neurophysiology Fellow, Dr. William Bell, MD/ Dr. Bakri Elsheikh, MBBS

/ 07 2016 / 06 2017
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH NIH StrokeNet Research Fellow, Dr. Michel T. Torbey, MD, MPH
Clinical Research - Division of Cerebrovascular and Neurocritical Care: Platelet Reactivity after Acute Ischemic Stroke Event: The Pathway to Prevention.

/ 07 2016 / 06 2018
ओहियो स्टेट यूनिवर्सिटी वेक्सनर मेडिकल सेंटर, कोलंबस, ओएच
Neurocritical Care Fellow, Dr. Diana Greene-Chandos, MD/ Michel T. Torbey, MD, MPH

Nov 2018: AES fellow award, New Orleans, LA, USA
April 2016: AAN travel Award, Vancouver, Canada
Oct 2013: Focus on Common Movement Disorders, Vanderbilt, TN, USA

बोर्ड प्रमाणपत्र:
Since 6/2022: American Board of Clinical Neurophysiology in Epilepsy monitoring
Since 11/2021: American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in Clinical Neurophysiology
Since 10/2021: American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in Neurocritical Care
Since 11/2020: American Board of Clinical Neurophysiology in Critical Care EEG Monitoring
Since 11/2020: American Board of Clinical Neurophysiology in Clinical Neurophysiology
Since 09/2016: American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in Neurology

Journal Peer Reviewer:
2023 - Present: Reviewer: BMC Case Reports
2022 - Present: Reviewer: Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery
2021 - Present: Reviewer: American Journal of Neuroradiology
2021 - Present: Reviewer: BMC Neurology
2020 - Present: Reviewer: Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease
2020 - Present: Reviewer: Journal of Pediatric Neurology
2020 - Present: Reviewer: Neurosurgical Review
2020 - Present: Reviewer: Heart and Lung
2020 - Present: Reviewer: OMEGA; Journal of Death and Dying
2017 - Present: Reviewer: The Permanente Journal

2023 - 2024: UNM Neuro-Critical Care Fellowship Teaching Award
2022 - Exemplary Teacher Acknowledgement at UNM
2021 - Exemplary Teacher Acknowledgement at UNM
2020 - Exemplary Teacher Acknowledgement at UNM X2
2018 - Bravo Award, Neurocritical Care Fellowship
2016 - Best Resident Award, Neurology residency
2015 - Humanitarian Award, Neurology residency
2005 - Dean’s Honor List, Ain Shams University/ Faculty of Medicine
2004 - Dean’s Honor List, Ain Shams University/ Faculty of Medicine
2003 - Dean’s Honor List, Ain Shams University/ Faculty of Medicine

Sleep SMART (FP00008349) Hussein (Site-PI) Date: Aug 2023 - July 2024
Phase 3 multicenter, prospective randomized open-, blinded-endpoint (PROBE) controlled trial to test whether treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure is effective for secondary prevention and recovery after stroke
राशि: $ 35,500

Alexion_ALXN2050-MG-201 (FP00012082) Hussein (Site-PI) Date: April 2022 - April 2024
A Phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of ALXN2050 in Adult Participants with Generalized Myasthenia Gravis
राशि: $ 73,748

Alexion: ALXN1210-MG-306 (FP00008833) Hussein (Site-PI) Date: April 2020 - April 2024
A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Ravulizumab in Complement-Inhibitor-Naïve Adult Patients With Generalized Myasthenia Gravis
राशि: $ 309,604

प्रमुख प्रकाशन

पुस्तक अध्याय
Hussein, Omar, Electroencephalography Versus Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography; Indications and Applications: Neurovascular Sonography: A Pocket Reference
पत्रिका लेख
Hussein, Omar, Walters , , Stroetz , , Valencia , , Mccall , , Hubmayr , , Biophysical Determinants of Alveolar Epithelial Plasma Membrane Wounding Associated With Mechanical Ventilation.


  • अरबी भाषा
  • अंग्रेज़ी

पाठ्यक्रम पढ़ाया गया

उन्नत ईईजी (जुलाई 2020 - चालू)... UNMH में। (छात्रों, निवासियों, साथियों और नर्स चिकित्सकों के लिए)
मस्तिष्क के सीटी-छिड़काव की व्याख्या कैसे करें? (अक्टूबर 2019 - जारी)... UNMH में (छात्रों, निवासियों, साथियों और नर्स चिकित्सकों के लिए)
मस्तिष्क का एमआरआई कैसे पढ़ें? (अक्टूबर 2019 - जारी)... UNMH में (छात्रों, निवासियों, साथियों और नर्स चिकित्सकों के लिए)
न्यूरो-सोनोग्राफी (2018, मई)… OSUWMC में
प्वाइंट ऑफ केयर अल्ट्रासाउंड (2018, फरवरी)… OSUWMC में

अनुसंधान और छात्रवृत्ति

Kalkach-Aparicio M, Fatima S, Selte A, Sheikh IS, Cormier J, Gallagher K, Avagyan G, Cespedes J, Krishnamurthy PV, Elazim AA, Khan N, हुसैन ओम, Maganti R, Larocque J, Holla S, Desai M, Westover B, Hirsch LJ, Struck AF. Seizure Assessment and Forecasting With Efficient Rapid-EEG: A Retrospective Multicenter Comparative Effectiveness Study. तंत्रिका-विज्ञान. 2024 Jul 23;103(2):e209621.

Hinduja A, Nalleballe K, Onteddu S, Kovvuru S, हुसैन ओ. Impact of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis associated with COVID-19. जे न्यूरोल विज्ञान. 2021 Apr 15;425:117448.

Mansoor T, Alsarah AA, Mousavi H, Khader Eliyas J, Girotra T, हुसैन ओ. COVID-19 Associated Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome Successfully Treated with Nimodipine and Aspirin. जे स्ट्रोक सेरेब्रोवास्क डिस. 2021 Apr 12;30(7):105822.

हुसैन ओ, Abd Elazim A, Sawalha K, Salam S, Saba K, Hamed M, Peng J, Hinduja A. Role of Non-Perfusion Factors in Mildly Symptomatic Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke. जे स्ट्रोक सेरेब्रोवास्क डिस. 2020 Oct;29(10):105172.

Kamdar HA, Hamed M, Smetana KS, Shanmugam K, Peters E, Yasin R, Thakur G, Gopal M, Sawalha K, Greene-Chandos D, हुसैन ओ. Lorazepam Timing for Acute Convulsive Seizure Control (LoTASC). दौरा। 2020 Oct 6;83:41-47.